On November 7, 1891, Joseph enlisted in the U.S. Army as Sam Marrom. He enlisted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for a period of five years. The Recruiting Officer was Captain M. Harris of the 1st Cavalry. The following is a quote from the enlistment form:
"I certify that I have minutely inspected the above-named man, Sam Marrom, previous to his ---- enlistment, and that he was entirely sober when enlisted; that, to the best of my judgment and belief, he is of lawful age; and that I have accepted and enlisted him into the service of the United States under this contract of enlistment as duly qualified to perform the duties of an able-bodied soldier, and in doing so, have strictly observed the Regulations which govern the Recruiting Service. This soldier had d brown eyes, d brown hair, dark complexion, is 5 feet 5 1/2 inches high." Signed by Captain Harris.
In addition it was noted that "Sam" had 3 vac each arm scar ov lef eye and a scar on his right knee.
On the enlistment paper Sam is listed at being born in Touroggen (assumed to Tauroggen), in the state of Russia. He stated he was twenty-one years old and his occupation was a salesman.
According to his son, William Lionel, he was stationed in Ft. Meyer Virginia.
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