In our quest to find relatives of "Grandpa" Joseph Marrom, we have repeatedly come across the name of Moses Marrom. Moses lived in Chicago and was born in Russia. He immigrated to the United States in 1881 or 1882. This could fit with the family tradition which has led us to believe that Joseph stayed with relatives in New York, Illinois and Wisconsin after immigrating from Russia.
So far I have not been able to locate Skaadwill, Russia which was the city Moses cited as his birthplace. The physical description for Moses on his passport application bears a resemblance to the physical stature of Joseph on his military enlistment papers. Both were relatively short men with dark hair and dark complexions.
At the turn of the century Moses had a saloon on Rush Street in Chicago. I have located what I believe are two wives for Moses: Sarah, who appears to have died (or left?) after 1894; and Betty who married Moses in 1899.
If Moses Marrom is a "leaf" on your family tree, it would be interesting to explore stories to see if this could be a link to finding more family members.